Economic Research India Private Limited  
 Tuesday, October 22, 2024
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Economic Research India Pvt. Ltd. (ERIL) is one of the leading groups in India, providing indispensable B2B information tailored for professionals in the new projects sector through online media. The company was launched in the year 2000. The primary objective of ERIL is to provide invaluable resource to assist business development efforts of those organizations focusing on the new projects market.

The core strengths of ERIL lie in providing the content and analytic capabilities needed by industry professionals. Our information products enable our customers to search, store and integrate our information with their requirements, facilitating decision making process and creating business opportunities.

ERIL has various project-related products with wide-ranging applications for professionals in industry, finance, consultancy, academia and research. Our products are trusted and drive decision making across the globe. Therefore businesses across the globe rely on ERIL services to provide them with the information and tools they need to help them be more productive.

ERIL has always understood that providing significant value to our customer’s means providing them with access to the best project-related content and service offerings available.

Online portfolio  

India’s first newspaper on projects
Your gateway to electrical & power world
A construction & engineering magazine on projects
Business opportunity identifier
India’s largest online database on new project
For business related queries please email us at or contact us:

Economic Research India Pvt. Ltd.
Sterling House, 5/7 Sorabji Santuk Lane,
Off Cawasji Hormasji Lane,
Marine Lines (E),
Mumbai 400002
T: +91-22-61011700/701, +91-22-67121818/800
F: +91-22-30271776

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